Tuesday 5 May 2009

3D Animation Conclusion

I have thoroughly enjoyed this module and feel I have learnt a lot of techniques to help me produce good work in the 3rd year. This semester was my 1st time using Reactor, and although getting all the environment settings correct proved difficult and time consuming, I feel that through dedication and a slight bit of guess work, I will be able to use Reactor again on a larger scale. Through the summer break I hope to practice what I have learnt, so when I return for the 3rd and final year I will be ready to produce some great work!

Ident 3

This ident represents the sport of tennis through a panning camera and rising Sky Sports text.
I modeled the court by using basic shapes. The stands are the same previously-modeled objects I used in my other 2 idents, but the colour has been changed to match the scene. The surrounding walls are rectangles, and the court is a plane with a tennis court map put on it which I made in Photoshop and applied through the material editor.

I applied another material to the court to make it look more like clay. I used the bump map material and added smoke, I then bought the attributes down so they weren't so harsh. I did the same thing for the surrounding ground area but instead of smoke I used speckle.

Making the net proved the hardest part for this ident. I first made a plane the right size between the two posts, I then created a white cross in Photoshop and made the background black and saved it as a JPG. I then added this image as a material to the plane under the opacity channel. This made only the white net show up when viewed in the render.

I then added 2 omni lights to the scene and excluded the net from one so it didn't cast any solid shadows. I also added a target camera to the scene and assigned the target to a path which I created using the line tool. Finally, using autokey I made the Sky Sports text rise from the court and rest in the middle of the scene. I did this by creating various key frames and moving the text a little at each.

Ident 2

This ident is one my favorites. Although it is relatively simple, I feel the spotlights create a perfect mood for a boxing match.

I started off my modeling the boxing ring, this is just basic shapes with a cloth modifier added on top to created the look of canvas. The ring ropes were made by adding thin cylinders and using the bend modifier to make them look like drooping rope.

The stands used were the same stands used in my 1st ident. I added an omni light and brought the intensity down to luminate the scene slightly and then added 1 purple, and 1 white spotlight to create the effects. Using autokey, I made a key frame at the beginning and moved the lights, then added another keyframe. I continued doing this until I was happy with the ident's length. I moved each spotlight separately so their movements were completely different from each other.

I then added a target camera to sweep over the stands and focus on the Sky Sports logo in the middle of the ring. This logo was created by getting a large image from Google and placing it on a white background in Photoshop of the correct size. I then added it to the ring through the material editor. Sound was then added in Premier and the completed ident was exported.

Tuesday 17 March 2009

Sky Sports Similarity 2

This ident was actually released in 2007. Sky Sports has kept conformity within their idents which helps to keep the channel recognizable amongst other sports channels such as Setanta.

I will use the same kind of conformity within my idents, by using basic animation and close up camera shots I hope to make the idents similar.

Sky Sports Idents Similarity

This Ident was released in 2004, all Sky Sports idents around this time had the blue background with the famous sports stars as seen in the video here and above.

Ident 1 - Sky Sports

The 1st ident I created for Sky Sports is of a basketball falling from the sky, bouncing multiple times and then rolling off the scene. "Sky Sports" then rises from the floor.

The ident took about 5 weeks to complete, as I modeled the majority of the scene from scratch.
The basketball was made using an online tutorial. The seats are made using basic shapes and then a mesh smooth was added with multiple iterations to give it the rounded effect, these were then duplicated.
The basketball hoop was modeled from scratch by eye, with the backboard designed in Photoshop.
The floor is a plane with a hardwood and raytrace map added to it, I created the textured effect by using a bump map and adding the same image of hardwood to the map.

To get the ball to bounce and roll I used Reactor, this took quite a while to do as it took many attempts of trial and error and tweaking of the elasticity and friction settings to get a realistic looking bounce.
I made the Sky Sports font rise through the floor by using Auto key on the time line and then moving the text to the required position. I then added some spotlights and an omni light to really bring the scene to life

Finally, I rendered the file as an uncompressed AVI and used Adobe Premiere to add sound and export the final animation.

Overall I am very happy with how my ident has turned out and hope the other two will be just as successful.

Tuesday 10 February 2009